81 through 100 of 983 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsDunham Manufacturing Company9-11 Locust
DetailsOld St. Louis Merchants' Exchange building8-18 South Main St.
DetailsMay's PlaceGeyer and 3rd
Details7th and Rutger
Details8th and Lafayette
DetailsZimmerman & Andrews2nd and Cedar
DetailsMiller & Zeigler500 South Broadway
DetailsThomas McCaulley & Co.604 South 7th St.
DetailsEpstein & Burrenstein208 South Broadway
DetailsSchnaider's Garden18th and Hickory
DetailsBoulevard SaloonOld Manchester Road and Kingshighway
Details5810 Gravois Ave.
DetailsBodemann's GroveWyoming and Grand
DetailsKoerner's GardenArsenal St. and Kingshighway
DetailsKettman Bros.402 North Main
DetailsMcDermott's12th and Gratiot
DetailsEpiscopal ChurchLafayette and Grand Aves.
DetailsSts. Peter and Paul Church8th and Allen Ave.
DetailsSt. Vincent de Paul Church9th and Park
DetailsAnnunciation Church6th and LaSalle