221 through 240 of 4648 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAlternate Corporate NameSecond Corporate NameAddress
DetailsSaxony MillsLeonhardt & Schuricht
DetailsJ. Kern's Wagon Factory
DetailsSouthern Oil and Color Co.
DetailsPelton Bros.
DetailsGood Samaritan Episcopal Church (colored)
DetailsSt. Mary's Church (Catholic)3rd and Mulberry Sts.
DetailsSt. Mary's School (Catholic)
DetailsWm. Schotten & Co.'s Spice Mill
DetailsLaclede Public School
DetailsHome of the Woman's Christian Association
DetailsGamble Public School5th and Poplar Sts.
DetailsChas. Rueppele & Co.'s Malt House
DetailsPacific MillsKehlor Bros.
DetailsFire Engine House No. 3
DetailsSt. Louis Chemical and Zinc WorksPage & Krausse408 and 410 Almond St.
DetailsApollo Garden Theatre (German)
DetailsAtlantic MillsBain & Pegram
DetailsBollman & O'Hara's Distillery
DetailsH.B. Graham & Bro.
DetailsSt. Louis Transfer Co.'s Stables