741 through 760 of 983 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsMurphyJ.2048 Oregon Ave.
DetailsMurrayJ.4th and Poplar
DetailsMurrellD.2641 Hickory St.
DetailsMuschmeierH.1321 Geyer Ave.
DetailsNaltyW.7th and Poplar
DetailsNaltyWilliam606 South 7th St.
DetailsNantzHenry3706 California Ave.
DetailsNeimayerA.2021 South 12th St.
DetailsNelson1436 Dolman St.
DetailsNemaberHenry2918 California Ave.
DetailsNeuhoff1318 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsNeunPhilipSt. Ange Ave. and Park Ave.
DetailsNeuvertRobt.2600 Hickory St.
DetailsNewman2618 Ann Ave.
DetailsNewman2750 Rutger St.
DetailsNewsbyHenry2729 Park Ave.
DetailsNiemeyerDick2638 Ann Ave.
DetailsNischwitzFred1408 South Broadway
DetailsNollEdward2617 Papin St.