441 through 460 of 983 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsClemensHelen202 North Main St.
DetailsCobbGeorge2113 California Ave.
DetailsCodyEd2648 Ann Ave.
DetailsCohenSol.103 South Levee
DetailsColeR.2710 Hickory St.
DetailsCollerI.1501 Grattan St.
DetailsCollier122-124 Levee
DetailsCollinsJohn1917-1919 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsConrad1429 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsConradCarl2313 South Grand Ave.
DetailsCooperDean2824-2826 Russell Ave.
DetailsCooperDean2816-2818-2820-2822 Russell Ave.
DetailsCooperWilliam2616 Park Ave.
DetailsCordonJohn2116 Oregon Ave.
DetailsCraigR.2632 Allen Ave.
DetailsCrainBarney2614 St. Vincent Ave.
DetailsCreadPhil2834 Papin St.
DetailsCrossmeyerWilliam2800 Park Ave.
DetailsCrowdusJ.104 North Main