341 through 360 of 983 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsFour Courts12th St. and Clark Ave.
Details1414 Old Manchester Road
DetailsAbramsI.406 North Main
DetailsAlaheimerJohn2639 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsAllynJohn2630 Russell Ave.
DetailsAllynJohn2630 Russell Ave.
DetailsAndersonHenry2219 Oregon
DetailsAnschuetzCarlShenandoah and Grand
DetailsAnshuetzMaxAnschuetznortheast corner Grand Ave. and Shenandoah St.
DetailsAshnerCharlesVirginia Ave. near Dakota St.
DetailsAugustusEdward2738 Russell Ave.
DetailsBakerJoseph2804 Russell Ave.
DetailsBakerJoseph2806 Russell Ave.
DetailsBambrick2707 Park Ave.
DetailsBambrick2709-2711 Park Ave.
DetailsBarry2607 Chouteau Ave
DetailsBarthJ.2236 Oregon
DetailsBarthJohn2236 Oregon Ave.
DetailsBastan713 South 2nd St.