241 through 260 of 462 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKurstWm.High St. north of Charles
DetailsLandherrFranzSterling St.
DetailsLangeChristianPotomac St.
DetailsLangeRobert1241 South 2nd St.
DetailsLangeneckertIgnatsClara St. south of Wyoming St.
DetailsLehndorfHenry913 Allen St.
DetailsLemppJacobMcNair Ave.
DetailsLeowkeCharlesLeweker1015 Shenandoah
DetailsLepperHenrycorner Pestalozzi and Iowa Ave.
DetailsLepperPhilipNebraska Ave.
DetailsLinkAdam2122 Carondelet Ave.
DetailsLipphardtHenrySidney and Jackson St.
DetailsLockeJohn2713 South 8th St.
DetailsLoeschJohn2012 Carondelet Ave.
DetailsLoescheHenry2016 Carondelet Ave.
DetailsLoetnerJohnOhio Ave.
DetailsLohmannHenry2204 South 7th St.
DetailsLohrumJohn4th between Bryan and Clemens Sts.
DetailsLowensteinMoritz2300 Rosatti St.
DetailsLuebTheodora4th St. south of Harper