Weekly report of the mortality among the soldiers in the military hospitals and camps of St. Louis, Missouri, October 13, 1861, to May 22, 1865 (published in the Missouri Republican).

These lists include Union soldiers mostly from Midwestern states such as Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio; Confederate prisoners; and civilian prisoners. Entries usually include name, date of death, company, and regiment. Many entries also include cause of death. Entries for civilian prisoners usually include their county of residence. In some cases, due to the poor quality of the newsprint, the text was difficult to decipher. The online Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System and other reference sources were consulted in an effort to determine the correct text of these entries. Some cross references have been added to this index. Frequent abbreviations in this index include Art., Artillery; C.S.A., Confederate States Army; Cav., Cavalry; cit., citizen; Inf., Infantry; M.S.M., Missouri State Militia; pris., prisoner; reg., regiment; and V.R.C., Veteran Reserve Corps.

Location: Archives Reference Desk
Categories: Death Records, Military