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Source: Rosters of the Kiwanis Club of St. Louis (Downtown), 1947, 1958, 1966-1967
Location: St.L. / 369.5 / K62r
Last Name:Houston
First Name:George
Middle Name:E.
Address:650 North Kirkwood Rd.
Year of Publication:1947
Source: Rosters of the Kiwanis Club of St. Louis (Downtown), 1947, 1958, 1966-1967
Location: St.L. / 369.5 / K62r
Last Name:Hubbard
First Name:Walter
Middle Name:J.
Address:947 Laurel
Year of Publication:1947

Source: Jahres-buch, Year Book, Tower Grove Turn-Verein, St. Louis, Missouri, 1907-1908
Location: St.L. / 613.7 / T737j
Last Name:Kiel
First Name:Herman
Address:3738 Michigan Ave.

Source: Rough Rider (Roosevelt High School student newspaper), 1927-1943 (incomplete run)
Location: St.L. / 379.17 / R67r / flat box
Last Name:Braun
First Name:Charlotte
Date of Publication:September 28, 1927
Remarks:senior class secretary

Source: Alumni Directory, 1843-1917 (University of Missouri Bulletin, Volume 18, Number 33; General Series, 1917, Number 14)
Location: MO / 378 / M69pb
Last Name:Briell
First Name:Theodore
Middle Name:Eugene
Address:1923 Burd Ave.
Class Year:1907

Source: Mercantile Trust Company Real Estate Price List (St. Louis: 1908)
Location: St.L. / 332.14 / M533
Address:5745 Maffitt Ave.
Source: Mercantile Trust Company Real Estate Price List (St. Louis: 1908)
Location: St.L. / 332.14 / M533
Address:5924-5926 Easton Ave.

Source: Illustrated Souvenir of the 27th National Festival of the North American Gymnastic Union and the City of St. Louis, Mo. (published under the auspices of the Central Committee by the Western Engraving Company, St. Louis, [1897])
Location: Photographs and Prints Department
Last Name:Nathan
First Name:Albert

Source: Souvenir Program: Third Session of the International Stereotypers and Electrotypers Union, Saint Louis, Missouri, August the Eighth to Thirteenth, Nineteen-Four
Location: Oversize / St.L. / 655.2 / In8
Corporate Name:Alfred Bros. Saloon
Address:northeast corner 6th and Market Sts.
Source: Souvenir Program: Third Session of the International Stereotypers and Electrotypers Union, Saint Louis, Missouri, August the Eighth to Thirteenth, Nineteen-Four
Location: Oversize / St.L. / 655.2 / In8
Corporate Name:J.S. Merrell Drug Company
Building Illustration:yes
Address:4th and Market Sts.

Source: St. Louis Grade Teachers Association Year Book, 1931-1932
Location: St.L. / 370.6 / Sa24
Last Name:Maul
First Name:Jennie
Address:4447a Lexington Ave.
Source: St. Louis Grade Teachers Association Year Book, 1931-1932
Location: St.L. / 370.6 / Sa24
Last Name:Mincke
First Name:Josephine
Address:4212 Flad Ave.

Source: Program for the Mid-Western Labor Conference, sponsored by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, March 31 to April 6, 1940, St. Louis, Missouri
Location: Labor Collection, Box 1, Archives
Corporate Name:W.S. Wade Funeral Home
Address:4202 Finney Ave.

Source: Grand Army of the Republic Collection
Location: Grand Army of the Republic Collection, Archives
Last Name:Mathias
First Name:Nicholas

Source: Souvenir, Golden Anniversary, Saint Lucas Evangelical Church, Sappington, Mo., 1880-1930
Location: MO / 9.11 / Sa69
Last Name:Autenrieth
First Name:John

Source: Christmas letters, University City Public Schools, 1956, 1957, and 1959
Location: Helen Manley Papers, Box 5, Folders 5-7, Archives
Last Name:Brown
First Name:Bill
Publication Year:1956
Location:Box 5, Folder 5

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