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Source: Small-Pox Hospital roster, 1901-1902, Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Health Commissioner for the Year Ending March 31st, 1902. In The Mayor's Message with Accompanying Documents to the Municipal Assembly of the City of St. Louis for the Fiscal Year Ending April 7th, 1902.
Location: St.L. / 352 / Sa2m
First Name:Annie
Last Name:Brendell
Address:4132 South Compton Ave.
African American:No

Source: Program for the Mid-Western Labor Conference, sponsored by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, March 31 to April 6, 1940, St. Louis, Missouri
Location: Labor Collection, Box 1, Archives
Corporate Name:Laura Lee Millinery Shoppe
Address:4488 Easton Ave.
Source: Program for the Mid-Western Labor Conference, sponsored by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, March 31 to April 6, 1940, St. Louis, Missouri
Location: Labor Collection, Box 1, Archives
Corporate Name:The Pendleton Market
Address:927 Pendleton

Source: Hot Time Minstrels programs, 1903, 1905-1907, 1911
Location: St.L. / 780.071 / H797
Last Name:Cash
First Name:Leslie
Middle Name:A.
Building Illustration:No
Source: Hot Time Minstrels programs, 1903, 1905-1907, 1911
Location: St.L. / 780.071 / H797
Business Name:College Inn Restaurant
Building Illustration:No
Address:6th & Locust
Source: Hot Time Minstrels programs, 1903, 1905-1907, 1911
Location: St.L. / 780.071 / H797
Business Name:Pierce Building Buffet
Building Illustration:No

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