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Source: Pictorial St. Louis, the Great Metropolis of the Mississippi Valley: A Topographical Survey Drawn in Perspective, A.D. 1875 / by Camille N. Dry, designed and edited by Rich. J. Compton
Location: Reading Room / St.L. / 9.17 / C73
Corporate Name:M. K. & T. Freight Depots
Building Illustration:yes
Alternate Corporate Name:Missouri, Kansas & Texas Freight Depots

Source: Hot Time Minstrels programs, 1903, 1905-1907, 1911
Location: St.L. / 780.071 / H797
Last Name:Funk
First Name:H.
Middle Name:A.
Building Illustration:No

Source: Linden Leaves (Lindenwood College yearbook), 1927-1929
Location: MO / 378 / L64Le
Last Name:Brubaker
First Name:Adeline
Remarks:Student, Freshmen

Source: Men Who Make St. Louis the City of Opportunity (St. Louis: W.P. Tracy, [1927])
Location: Reading Room / St.L. / 920 / T67
Last Name:Wenzlick
First Name:Albert
Address:3630 Flad Ave.
Birth Date:1860 April 22
Page:222-223, 261-262

Source: Seventh Annual Convention of the National Association of Builders of the United States: Odd Fellows’ Hall, February 14th, 15th and 16th (St. Louis, Mo., 1893)
Location: St.L. / 9.17 / B86
Last Name:Pullis
First Name:Augustus
Remarks:listed as Reception Committee member

Source: A Catalogue of the St. Louis High School, for the Scholastic Year, 1862-63, St. Louis, Mo., December, 1862 (St. Louis R.P. Studley, 1862)
Location: St.L. / 379.17 / Sa2c
Last Name:Bailey
First Name:Samuel
Middle Name:S.
Remarks:in list of present male members of the high school

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