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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKleinChas.1815 Park Ave.
DetailsSchaefer & Schwebel2756 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsHerold Livery & Undertaking Co.2929-2931 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsArmbrusterF.3310 Laclede Ave.
DetailsWm. Young Carriage Company4524 and 4526 Delmar Ave.
DetailsGreweLouis1628 South Grand Ave., corner Henrietta
DetailsEggeling Floral Co.1653 South Grand Ave.
DetailsMuckermann Ice & Coal Co.1100 South 12th St.
DetailsJostHerman2619 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsGeo. Boeche Produce Co.800 North 3rd St.
DetailsMissouri Bedding & Feather Co.1131 Collins St.
DetailsHagenowTheo.1500 Chouteau Ave., corner Dillon
DetailsWillis Coal & Mining Co.
DetailsWilliamsDavidPresbyterian Book Store1516 Locust St.
DetailsWagoner Undertaking Co.1127 Olive St.
DetailsBarry & Scott4354 Lucky St.
DetailsWm. A. Miller Elevator Manufacturing Co.115 and 117 Pine St.
DetailsChristopher & Simpson Architectural Iron & Foundry Co.Park Ave. from 8th to 9th Sts.
DetailsWestminster Laundry Co.4115-4117 Olive St.