21 through 40 of 2889 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSt. Louis Dairy Co.2008 Pine St.
DetailsMorie & Willems2914 Morgan St.
DetailsWestern Anthracite Coal & Coke Co.
DetailsBethesda Foundling Home3651 Vista Ave.
DetailsBethesda Hospital and Home for Incurables3645 Vista Ave.
DetailsBethesda Old Ladies' Home3660 Rutger St.
DetailsLaclede Gas Light Co.716 Locust St.
DetailsFrost Manufacturing Company
DetailsAmerican Bed Company18th to 19th and Park Ave.
DetailsAloe's513 Olive St.
DetailsSt. Louis Union Trust Co.4th and Locust Sts.
DetailsMontezuma Coffees and Teas1937 Franklin Ave.
DetailsBeethoven Conservatory of Musicnorthwest corner of Taylor Ave. and Olive St.
DetailsUnion Fuel Company7th and Locust Sts.
DetailsJohn Deere Plow Co.2204-2220 North Broadway
DetailsPevely Dairy Co.3301 Park Ave.
DetailsMissouri Stair Co.1062 Old Manchester Road
DetailsLungstras Dyeing and Cleaning Co.Park Ave. between 13th and 14th Sts.; 715 Locust St.; 720 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsAtwater Studio1603 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsSupplementary Spiral Spring Co.4524-4526 Delmar Ave.