561 through 580 of 726 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameAddress
DetailsScottW.3110 Bell St.
DetailsScottW.3110 Bell St.
DetailsScudderClara3115 Chestnut St.
DetailsScudderMary3150 Locust St.
DetailsScudderWm.3115 Chestnut St.
DetailsSeageJohn1418 Olive St.
DetailsSeageMary 1418 Olive St.
DetailsSellersRachel1318 Olive St.
DetailsSellersRebecca1318 Olive St.
DetailsSenourCarrie2721 Lucas Ave.
DetailsShafferJennie2714 Lindell Ave.
DetailsSherwoodChas.1031 Armstrong Ave.
DetailsSherwoodClara1031 Armstrong Ave.
DetailsSherwoodHarriet1031 Armstrong Ave.
DetailsSherwoodWm.1031 Armstrong Ave.
DetailsShetharJohn2702 Olive St.
DetailsShetharMary2702 Olive St.
DetailsShockleyEmma2236 Carr St.
DetailsShockleyGeorge2236 Carr St.