41 through 60 of 708 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsHalm Bros.2129 South 7th St.
DetailsHoffmann HouseLemay Ferry Road
DetailsHome Laundry Co.4416, 4418 & 4420 Easton Ave.
DetailsHorse Shoe Bar
DetailsHouse of Mauchenheimer1201 South 7th St.
DetailsHughes-Schmitt Livery and Undertaking Co.1817-1819 Sidney St.
DetailsIndependent Breweries Company
DetailsJake Daniels Dist. Co.343 South Vandeventer
DetailsKaltwasser Carpet Co.2349 South Broadway
DetailsKiefer's Buffet3552 South Broadway
DetailsKoenig Motor Company2651-2657 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsKuni's Hotel and Restaurant
DetailsLafayette Park Undertaking Co.1609-1615 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsLapp's 3rd Street Exchange718-720 North 3rd St.
DetailsLocatell's New Buffet18 North 4th St.
DetailsLongwood Grove Bar9401 South Broadway
DetailsLungstras Dyeing and Cleaning Co.717 Locust St.; 726 North Taylor Ave.; Park Ave., 13th & 14th Sts.
DetailsMelcher-Schene Hardware Co.4904 Natural Bridge Ave.