141 through 160 of 276 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsWilhelmG.8604 Jennings Road
DetailsBotheG.Carleton Clothing Co.8102-8104 North Broadway
DetailsBoekersG.G. Boekers Livery and Undertaking Co.4434-4436-4438 North 20th St.; 2022A Obear Ave.
DetailsKohlmeyerGeo.Geo. E. Kohlmeyer Copper and Sheet Metal Works8222 North Broadway; 8728 Emily Ave.
DetailsOstermayerGeo.8022-8026 North Broadway
DetailsEckertGeo.8700 Kiefer St.
DetailsBotheGeo.Rothschild Bros. Hat Company8102-8104 North Broadway
DetailsBotheGeo.8102-8104 North Broadway
DetailsBauerschmidtGeo.Geo. Bauerschmidt's Market8432 Halls Ferry Road
DetailsOberbeckGeorge7945 North Broadway; 2046a Adelaide Ave.
DetailsVogelsangGus.7938 North Broadway
DetailsOverbeckGustavGustav H. Oberbeck Realty and Agency Company8112 North Broadway
DetailsBreimeyerH.1940-1942 North 9th St.
DetailsOhmeyerH.corner Florissant & Bernays Aves.
DetailsDaubendiekH.7820 North Broadway
DetailsKnightH.8315 North Broadway