1881 through 1900 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsT.P. Barnett CompanyPasadena Hills
DetailsThe Moorlands7515 Parkdale Ave.
DetailsMeyerA.Lutheran AltenheimHall's Ferry Road
DetailsSoulard Market7th Blvd., 9th, Julia and Carroll Sts.
DetailsWabash depotWabash Station
Details5100 block of Greer Ave.
DetailsMaryland Hotel9th and Pine Sts.
DetailsSugar Creek Creamery Co.3301 Park Ave.
Details7716 Shirley Drive
DetailsMoordaleThe Moorlands7528-7530-7532 Parkdale Ave.
DetailsCarondelet Parkview4129 Holly Hills Blvd.
Details5049 Lindenwood Ave.
DetailsLangan Bros. Furniture & Carpet Co.18th and Washington
DetailsSt. Louis Building and Savings Association2nd and Pine
DetailsBank of Commerce4th and Olive
DetailsNational Bank of CommerceBroadway and Olive
DetailsMercantile Trust Co.southeast corner of 8th and Locust
DetailsMercantile Trust Co.northeast corner of 8th and Locust
DetailsMercantile Trust Co.8th and Locust to St. Charles