1841 through 1860 of 5439 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsFood Craft Shops, Inc.1120 Locust St.
DetailsBaerB.Ford Cleaning Company1002 Olive St.
DetailsFord Motor Company2100 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsAtchesonF.Ford Motor Company
DetailsJohnsonM.Ford Motor Company4100 Forest Park Blvd.; Wabash Railroad between Duncan and Clayton Aves. at Boyle Ave.
DetailsJohnsonM.Ford Motor Company4100 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsJohnsonMiltonFord Motor Company4100 Forest Park Blvd.
DetailsSpitzerH.Forest City Manufacturing Company1631 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpitzerH.Forest City Manufacturing Company1627 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpitzerH.Forest City Manufacturing Company1627-1631 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpitzerH.Forest City Manufacturing Company1627 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpitzerHarryForest City Manufacturing Company1627 Washington Ave.
DetailsSpitzerHarryForest City Manufacturing Company1627 Washington Ave.
DetailsForest Park comfort stations
DetailsBrinkmanB.Forest Park Highland Exhibition and Amusement Company5600 Oakland Ave.
DetailsKetchumForest Park Highlands5600 Oakland Ave.
DetailsForsythe Grade School [Forsyth Grade School]Jackson and Maryland Aves.
DetailsSpragueJ.Forsythe Laundry Company7208 Zepher Place [7208 Zephyr Place]
DetailsFort Dearborn Paper Company2028 North Main St.; 1442 North Broadway
DetailsForum Cafeteria307 North 7th St.