181 through 200 of 731 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsRobert Charles' Wholesale Tea Store26 Olive St., between Main and 2nd Sts.
DetailsDavid Nicholson's Grocery Establishment118 and 120 Market St.
DetailsF. Dings & Co.39 North Main St.; between Plum and Cedar, Main and Levee
DetailsWilliam Dean & Co.18 Levee; 36 Commercial St.
DetailsEmpire Plow Works305 South 3rd St.
DetailsCronenbold & Co.
DetailsBridge & Brother
DetailsFallon & Wright84 and 86 5th St.; 28 and 30 St. Charles St.
DetailsWolff & Hoppe159 and 161 North Main St.
DetailsPalmer's restaurantnortheast corner of 4th and Elm Sts.
DetailsJ.J. Donegan & Co.60 Market St., between 2nd and 3rd
DetailsKeevil & Co.Broadway
DetailsCorinthian Hall
DetailsFranklin Tea and Coffee Warehouse29 Franklin Ave.
DetailsProuhet & Witt132 Main St.
DetailsEdwards & Bushnell
DetailsEvans' Ale Depot191 and 193 North Main St.
DetailsBalmer & Weber56 North 4th St., between Olive and Pine, west side
DetailsGanter & Hambright's Restaurant59 and 61 4th St.