1721 through 1740 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsUpshawIra5029 Shaw Ave.
DetailsUpshawPlatt4411 Hunt Ave.
DetailsUpshawThomas4247 Meramec
DetailsUsseryW.southwest corner 13th & Washington Ave.
DetailsUstickClarence3001 Olive
DetailsVableAnnie1225 Monroe
DetailsVaileJules3303 Washington Ave.
DetailsVan NessE.Knickerbocker Drug Store901 Manchester Road
DetailsVan NessEugeneCooper Pharmacy Co.513 Elm St.
DetailsVan NessO.901 Manchester Road
DetailsVan NortHorace5624 Easton Ave.
DetailsVanGerhartHenry3739 Olive; 3640 Washington Ave.
DetailsVanHoefenSamuel8408 Halls Ferry Road
DetailsVanNessC.901 Manchester Road
DetailsVanVelsorWm.610 Olive
DetailsVanWinklePeter305 North 20th
DetailsVasterlingPaulCalifornia & Henrietta
DetailsVastineCharles3503 Lindell Ave.
DetailsVaughnJohnFinney & Vandeventer Ave.
DetailsVaughnR.704 Olive; 3609 Page Ave.