1661 through 1680 of 1870 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSwemJesse112 North 8th; 4226 Easton Ave.
DetailsSwiftFred3201 Chestnut
DetailsSymesJohn813 North 6th
DetailsTandyLewis2317 South Broadway
DetailsTanquaryJ.5076 Easton; 5085 Wells Ave.
DetailsTaylorRodneycorner Finney & Vandeventer Aves.
DetailsTaylorThomas303 North Grand Ave.
DetailsTeckemeierCaroline2325 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsTemmA.2001 Biddle; California & Park Ave.
DetailsTemmAlex.2767 Park Ave.
DetailsTemmF.907 North Jefferson Ave.; 909 North Jefferson Ave.
DetailsTemmH.2605 Franklin Ave.
DetailsThayerHanford2013 North 11th
DetailsThomasElihusoutheast corner 12th & Madison; 3673 Finney Ave.
DetailsThomasGeorge1545 South 7th
DetailsThomasJohn3103 North Market
DetailsThompsonEugene320 Missouri Ave.
DetailsThompsonFannie3717 Kossuth
DetailsThompsonGeorge901 Olive; 31 South Compton Ave.
DetailsThompsonGeorge1502 Lafayette Ave.