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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsTicknor, Robbins & Co.176 North Main St.
DetailsAgricultural Works, Warehouse and Seed Store of Clark, Plant & Norris14 North Main St.; 203 4th St.; northwest corner of Main and Biddle Sts.
DetailsEagle Steam and Gas Pipe Works42 Vine St., between 2nd and 3rd Sts.
DetailsHunt & Wiseman101 North 3rd St.
DetailsHorace E. Dimick & Co.38 North Main St.
DetailsSeed Store and Agricultural Warehouse18 Main St.
DetailsLandreth & Son
DetailsBranch, Crookes & Co.18 Vine St.
DetailsPremium Wire Works59 Market St.
DetailsC.M. Brooks & Co.Ashley and Main Sts.
DetailsSt. Louis Scale Factory247 and 249 North 2nd St.
DetailsMuennighaus & Co.
DetailsSt. Louis Glass WorksBroadway and Monroe St.; 75 North 2nd St.
DetailsSt. Louis Patent Press Oil WorksColumbia and 2nd Sts.
DetailsWyman, Grant & Co.
DetailsRogers & McCormackcorner of Vine, St. Charles and 4th Sts.
DetailsDr. E.W. Sherman's Truss, Bandage and Orthopedic Instrument Manufactory87 North 4th St., between Olive and Locust Sts.
DetailsScarritt & MasonWashington Ave. between 2nd and 3rd Sts.
DetailsPlanter's Tobacco Warehouse
DetailsSheffield Steel WarehouseMain and Morgan Sts.