141 through 160 of 1695 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsBankers Reserve Life Company
DetailsLevis-Zukoski Mercantile Co.1113 Washington Ave.; 6th and Washington Ave.; 9th and Washington Ave.;
DetailsSmith Furniture Stores816 North 7th St.; 618 Franklin Ave.; 2722 Cherokee St.; 5955 Easton Ave.; 7632 Manchester Ave.
DetailsSchwartzman Jewelry Company6th and Olive
DetailsGreenfield Brothers Clothing Companysoutheast corner 8th and Olive Sts.
DetailsWolff-Wilson Drug Company7th and Washington Ave.; 6th and Washington Ave.
DetailsNew Era Shirt Company905-907 Lucas Ave.; 901-903 Lucas Ave.
DetailsKline's608 Washington Ave.
DetailsMiriam Lodge, United Order of True Sisters
DetailsMiriam Convalescent-Rose Bry Homes
DetailsSt. Louis Section, National Council of Jewish Women
DetailsBen Akiba Aid Society
DetailsTemple Israel Sisterhood
DetailsTemple Brotherhoods
DetailsWilliam Stix Public SchoolEuclid and Parkview Place
DetailsPacific Mutual Life Insurance Company
DetailsChamberlin Metal Weather Strips4230 Olive St.
DetailsB. Lesser Buildingnortheast corner 9th and Lucas
DetailsMack-Elliott Paper Company417 North 3rd St.
DetailsCity Trust Company