1281 through 1300 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsMcDonald's350 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsBurger ChefSouth Kirkwood and Big Bend Roads
DetailsKentucky Fried Chicken1216 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsDairy Queen
DetailsTaco Bell
DetailsCaptain John Silver's
DetailsHardee's11111 Manchester Road
DetailsDenny's restaurantInterstate 44 and Holmes Ave.
DetailsHeap Big Beef311 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsBurger DenSouth Kirkwood Road and Grand Ave.
DetailsHowell Hardware Store
DetailsMultack's Dry Cleaners
DetailsCivic Center Plaza
DetailsCasey's Sport Store
DetailsKirkwood Plaza Development Corporation
DetailsMid America Theaters
DetailsWetterau super market
DetailsKirkwood Hotel
DetailsHarris Grocery
DetailsKirkwood Tire Co.