1141 through 1160 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsUnited Railways Company substation328 North Fillmore
DetailsAirpath Instrument Company
DetailsGear Products Company
DetailsGill House419 East Argonne
DetailsCarpenter's118 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsSt. Louis Christmas Caroling Association
DetailsOsage Theater
DetailsWiggins Ozark Camp
DetailsKirkwood Historical Society Library
DetailsMudd's Grove
DetailsHomewood300 East Bodley
DetailsKirkwood High SchoolClay and Adams
DetailsKirkwood High School
DetailsWebster Groves High School
DetailsRott Hardware207 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsHummert's Delisouthwest corner of Argonne and Clay
DetailsKatz Drug Store
DetailsCentral HardwareKirkwood Road and Big Bend Road