1141 through 1160 of 62314 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsShorty's Restaurant
DetailsVogt Bros. ProduceGallaher and Lindenwood Aves.
DetailsFrisina Amusement Company
DetailsMissouri National Guard Armory
DetailsMunicipal Auditorium and Community Center
DetailsSchemmer's Self-Service Market
DetailsFred Evens Motor Sales Company4202-4212 Lindell Blvd.
DetailsAshley St. plant, Union Electric Light & Power Co.
DetailsSupreme Sandwich Shop2651 Hampton Ave.
DetailsKribs Super Service Drug Store5501 Pershing
DetailsRemley's Market6441 Gravois
DetailsThe Robbins4950 Maryland Ave.
DetailsLerner Shop501 North 6th St.
DetailsBellefontaine Farm
DetailsHoliday House on the Lake of the Ozarks
DetailsHampton Village MarketHampton and Chippewa
DetailsSt. Charles Bowling Alley
DetailsHanover Market7722 Gravois Ave.
DetailsSt. Louis City Hall
DetailsMunicipal Courts Building