1061 through 1080 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSt. Louis and Suburban
DetailsThe Cloisters
DetailsSlinkardsWebster and Madison Aves.
DetailsMcDonnell's MarketBig Bend and Edna
Details912 Simmons
Details315 West Madison
DetailsHartmann Greenhouse
DetailsKieffer's Beach
DetailsStites' Beach
DetailsKirkwood TheatreClay Ave. between Jefferson and Argonne
DetailsOsage TheatreSouth Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood TheatreSouth Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood Bakery
DetailsHolekamp Lumber Company
DetailsQuinette Cemetery
DetailsKirkwood Train Station
DetailsSt. Peter's Roman Catholic Church (Kirkwood)bounded by Main (now Argonne), Clay and Jefferson Aves.
DetailsSt. Peter's School (Kirkwood)
DetailsEugene Coyle High School
DetailsKirkwood High School