101 through 120 of 201 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsDougherty Real Estate Co., Inc.109 North 7th St.
DetailsLange Milk Co.Grand and Easton Ave.
DetailsEagle Discount Stamp Co.
DetailsControlled Air Corporation3319 Olive St.
DetailsBriell-Rodgers Cotton Goods Co.608 North 21st St.
DetailsAnchor Laundry and Dry Cleaning
DetailsManewal Bread Co.
DetailsConsolidated Fish and Oyster Co.515 Lucas Ave.
DetailsHanley and Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co.
DetailsCallahan Coal Company3924 Duncan Ave.
DetailsEagle Petroleum Company4464 Duncan Ave.
DetailsHall Soda Fountain Co.2640 Olive St.
DetailsStickney Hoelscher Cigar Co.
DetailsPine Hat and Cleaning Works501 Pine St.
DetailsLorenz Duerr & Company3569 Lindell Blvd.