941 through 960 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsOld Post Office125 West Argonne Dr.
DetailsBrook Cottage161 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsHammond-Suits House321 North Harrison Ave.
DetailsAdmathy House641 East Madison Ave.
DetailsBeckstein House736 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsGas Station140 West Argonne Dr.
DetailsKinsella House745 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsGood-Magoffin House210 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsFry-Bodley-Hough House116 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsGratz-Marshall House124 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsGeyer-Rose Hill Grocery800 South Geyer Rd.
DetailsCoulter Feed Store111-113 West Argonne
DetailsFire Station No. 211804 Big Bend Rd.
DetailsNipher School700 South Kirkwood Rd.
DetailsQuinette Cemetery12188 Old Big Bend Rd.
DetailsHow Farm518 Scottsdale Rd.
DetailsGeorge C. Hammond House315 West Adams Ave.
DetailsRoyle Place330 East Adams Ave.
DetailsGerould Building207-209 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsCouch-Heinzelmann Store157-159 West Argonne