901 through 920 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsHenry Hough House217 East Adams Ave.
DetailsMeramec Highlands General Store1015 Barberry Lane
DetailsHazard House401 Clark Ave.
DetailsMurtfeldt-Douglass House10 Douglass Lane
DetailsSwan Cottage305 North Harrison Ave.
DetailsAbrams-Robertson-Kraft House434 North Harrison Ave.
DetailsUnsell-Cabell House615 East Monroe Ave.
DetailsKraus House (Frank Lloyd Wright House)120 North Ballas Road
DetailsClarke House (Seven Gables)503 East Monroe Ave.
DetailsWorld's Fair Wisconsin House415 Scott Ave.
DetailsKyle-Essex-Gamble House428 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsHolmes-Mitchell House598 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsEssex-Mudd House (Mudd-Hilton House)705 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsW.F. Warner House750 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsEliot Unitarian Chapel (Grace Episcopal Church)106 South Taylor Ave.
DetailsSutherland-Mitchell-Shallcross House217 South Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsGrissom-Ewing House400 South Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsKeith-Greensfelder House116 North Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsHoyt-Phelps House235 East Jefferson Ave.
DetailsHalsey-Rode House126 East Washington Ave.