881 through 900 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsGrace Episcopal ChurchTaylor Ave. and Argonne Drive
DetailsBlack-Taussig-Ray house
DetailsLeffingwell & Elliott
DetailsFirst Presbyterian Church (Kirkwood)
DetailsOsage House RestaurantNorth Kirkwood Road
DetailsRoettger & Maule
DetailsKirkwood Train Station110 West Argonne Dr.
DetailsMcLagan-Black House549 East Argonne Dr.
DetailsMudd's Grove302 West Argonne Dr.
DetailsOlive Chapel A.M.E. Church307 South Harrison Ave.
DetailsSmith-Keysor House306 East Jefferson Ave.
DetailsHenry Bopp House115 West Monroe Ave.
DetailsGill House419 East Argonne Dr.
DetailsTalhurst-Burr House345 East Argonne Dr.
DetailsFishback House440 East Argonne Dr.
DetailsHoffman-Ward House142 West Monroe Ave.
DetailsHoch Farm211 Sugar Creek Road; 212 Sugar Creek Road
DetailsYeats-Tutt House348 Geyer Forest Dr.
DetailsGreystone Lodge
DetailsMeramec Highlands Frisco Station1022 Barberry Lane