841 through 860 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsBach-Nalley-Swoboda house615 South Ballas Road
DetailsLenox HallWoodlawn and Gill Aves.
DetailsKirkwood Theatre
DetailsKirkwood Stardomesoutheast corner of Clay Ave. and Jefferson Ave.
DetailsDavis mansioncorner of North and South (Brentwood Blvd.) and Clayton Roads
DetailsKroger grocery store105-115 East Jefferson Ave.
DetailsThe Grey Ghostsoutheast corner of South Kirkwood Road and East Madison Ave.
DetailsMoose's Mob
DetailsCongo ClubJefferson Ave.
DetailsChippewa Drug Store312 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsCoyle High School
DetailsPierce House Antiques
DetailsGeo. Kerth & Sons
DetailsF.W. Woolworth dime stores
DetailsSutherland-Mitchell-Shallcross217 South Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsSylvan Beach Amusement Park
DetailsHollywood Miniature Golf Course
DetailsKirkwood TheatreNorth Clay Ave. between Argonne and Jefferson
DetailsWeiss Auto Supply
DetailsSuburban Home & Auto Supply