821 through 840 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsOsdieck's Drug Store
DetailsPhillips' Drug Store
DetailsJune's Beauty Shop
DetailsEarl Deane's Real Estate Office205 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsRott Hardware Store207 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsFred Harris' Butcher and Grocery Store209 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsRoy Stiff and Associates, Architects
DetailsSpic & Span Cleaners
DetailsMarion's Cafeteria
DetailsKirkwood Beauty College
DetailsPrough Feed Store
DetailsMayer Shoe Tree
DetailsSuburban Tire Co.222 and 225 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsKerth-Kelly Dry Goods
DetailsKirkwood Bank
DetailsCommerce Bank of Kirkwood
DetailsChristian Science Reading Room227 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood Federal Savings and Loan Association229 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsShell Filling Station