8101 through 8120 of 8872 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsTuncherFrank4725 Tennessee Ave.
DetailsTunisWilliam1909 McCausland Ave.
DetailsTurbeO.4231 Page Ave.
DetailsTurckH.3747 Laclede Ave.
DetailsTurekA.3015 Wisconsin Ave.
DetailsTurekMary1812 South 11th St.
DetailsTurinaJohn3021a Hickory St.
DetailsTurkJ.1704 Geyer Ave.
DetailsTurnerAugustus1419 Morgan St.
DetailsTurnerEdward4328 Labadie Ave.
DetailsTurnerF.1038a South 8th
DetailsTurnerGeo.528 Montrose Ave.
DetailsTurnerJ.6626 South Broadway
DetailsTurnerJ.25 South Leonard Ave.
DetailsTurnerJohn4459 Swan Ave.
DetailsTurnerJos.1921 Whitter St.
DetailsTurnerMartin4300 South Compton Ave.
DetailsTurnerRalph3314 Lawton Ave.
DetailsTurnerRichard4055 Manchester Ave.
DetailsTurpinChas.16a North Leffingwell Ave.