801 through 820 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKlein's and Ellman's Shoe Store117 West Argonne
DetailsPurdy's Grocery Store115 West Argonne
DetailsFleur-de-lis Coffee Shop113 West Argonne
DetailsCoulter Feed Store113 West Argonne
DetailsRoyal Radio and Victrola Shop and Music Shop113 West Argonne
DetailsKirkwood Trust Company Building
DetailsTrust Company of Kirkwood
DetailsKirkwood Post Office105 West Argonne; 125 West ARgonne
DetailsBaird's Dry Goods Store
DetailsPublic Finance Company109 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsTown and Fashion Shoes
DetailsKirkwood Drug
DetailsBehrens Brothers
DetailsKirkwood Bakery Building113 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsMartin's Bakery
DetailsWoolworth's Store115 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsJohn Howell Painting Company
DetailsJake's Buick119 and 121 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsEllman's building121-123 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsAl Hoemann's Hallmark Card and Party Shop201 North Kirkwood Road