741 through 760 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsHeller & HoffmanSt. Louis Chair Manufactorycorner 8th & Howard St.
DetailsHeller & HoffmanSt. Louis Chair Manufactorycorner 8th & Howard Sts.
DetailsHeller & Hoffman Chair Manufacturing Co.8th & Howard Sts.
DetailsHencke & Offermannsouthwest corner of Park Ave. & Dillon St.
DetailsHercules Construction Co.8808 Ladue Road
DetailsHerkert & Meisel Trunk Co.910 Washington Ave.
DetailsHerkert & Meisel Trunk Co.514-516 Washington Ave.; 6th & O'Fallon St.
DetailsHerkert & Meisel Trunk Co.608 Washington Ave.; 1113-1117 North 6th St.; 6th & O'Fallon
DetailsHermann Ferry and Packet Company
DetailsHermann Furniture & Undertaking Co.
DetailsHerriott Shoe Polish Co.2801-2807 North Broadway
DetailsHerriott Shoe Polish Co.2801-2807 North Broadway
DetailsHess & Culbertsonsoutheast corner 6th & Locust St.
DetailsHesse Envelope & Litho. Co.501-507 North 1st St.
DetailsHeydt Bakery Co.1607-1623 Biddle St.; 1210-1228 North 17th St.
DetailsHezel Milling Co.
DetailsHiemenz & Hottes1202 South 5th St.
DetailsHilger Hardware Co.526 & 528 North Main St., southeast corner Washington Ave.
DetailsHill-Hentschel Company
DetailsHirsch Rolling Mill Co.Ecoff Ave. & Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks; 2nd & Pine Sts.