661 through 680 of 2867 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsParker, Russell & Co.
DetailsParker-Russell Mining & Manufacturing Company417 Pine St.
DetailsPasquier & Eaton105-107 North 3rd St.
DetailsPasteur Filter Co.811 North Grand Ave.
DetailsPaul G.F. Carriere & Co.
DetailsPeerless Steam Laundry2131 & 2133 Clark Ave.; 4 North 18th St.; 110 North 7th St.; 108 South Jefferson Ave.; 1625 South Broadway; 408 Market St.
DetailsPeerless Stove Store2812 Manchester Ave.
DetailsPeitz & Kirchner1223 Franklin Ave.
DetailsPenn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia
DetailsPerry, Shultz & Co.418 1/2 Olive St.
DetailsPhilip Gruner & Bros.southeast corner of 9th St. & Cass Ave.; 4006 North Broadway
DetailsPhoenix Brush Factory1406 South Broadway
DetailsPhoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.
DetailsPicquet Bros. & Wood909 Chestnut St.
DetailsPicquet Bros. & Wood815 Chestnut St.
DetailsPierce & Webb Supply Company101-105 North 12th St.
DetailsPine Street Feed and Seed Warehousecorner of 20th & Pine Sts.
DetailsPioneer Cooperage Co.2212 DeKalb St.
DetailsPioneer Steam Keg Works Co.
DetailsPlano Manufacturing Company506 North Main St.