641 through 660 of 2219 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameMaiden NameBuilding NameBusiness NameAddress
DetailsSt. Louis United Elevator Co.
DetailsSt. Louis Wrecking Co.southeast corner Jefferson Ave. & O'Fallon St.
DetailsSt. Louis Wrecking CompanyJefferson Ave., O'Fallon, 24th & Division Sts.; north of O'Fallon St., west side of 24th St.; corner of Jefferson Ave. & O'Fallon St.
DetailsSt. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Company
DetailsSt. Nicholas Hotelnorthwest corner of 8th & Locust Sts.
DetailsStandard Theatre
DetailsState Bank of St. Louis
DetailsStewart & Overstreet
DetailsStewart & Overstreet
DetailsStobie Cereal Company711 & 713 North 2nd St.
DetailsStobie Cereal Mills711-713 North 2nd St.
DetailsT.B. Boyd & Co.6th & Olive Sts.
DetailsT.J. Prosser & Co.
DetailsT.J. Prosser & Company
DetailsTamm Brothers Glue Factory
DetailsTamm Ice and Cold Storage Company
DetailsTerminal Rail Road Association of St. Louis
DetailsThiel's Detective Service
DetailsThiel's Detective Servicecorner of 9th & Olive Sts.