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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
Details114 West Clinton Place
Details218 North Dickson St.
Details212 North Woodlawn Ave.
Details316 South Kirkwood Road
Details119 East Woodbine Ave.
Details424 North Clay Ave.
DetailsWoodlawn Ave. corner of Essex
Details815 North Kirkwood Road
Details119 East Woodbine Ave.
DetailsPonca Trail
Details809 West Big Bend Road
Details227 Smith Ave.
Details132 North Dickson Ave.
Details333 West Madison Ave.
Details114 West Bodley Ave.
DetailsHeege Buildingnorthwest corner of Madison Ave. and Webster Ave. (Kirkwood Road)
DetailsRaymond M. Henley Co.
Details712 Evans Ave.
Details138 West Madison Ave.
Details332 East Madison Ave.