61 through 80 of 2889 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsStandard Roofing Co.1109 Chestnut St.
DetailsEnno Sander Mineral Water Company2801-2811 Lawton Ave.
DetailsJ.J. Henderson and Co.1222 Pine St.
DetailsChappell Oil & Grease Co.200 North Commercial St.
DetailsWelle-Boettler Bakery Co.
DetailsBethesda Foundling Home, Hospital, and Home for Uncurables
DetailsBlue Bird Home303 North 7th St.
DetailsBuschart Bros. Printing Company1427 Locust St.
DetailsE.C. Van Nort Electric Co.Locust and 11th St.
DetailsBethesda-Dilworth Memorial Home
DetailsBethesda General Hospital
DetailsBethesda Foundling Home12th and Soulard Sts.
DetailsBethesda Home917 Russell Ave.
DetailsBethesda Home for the AgedLafayette Ave.
DetailsBuschart Bros.1427 Locust St.
DetailsNational Sanitary Products Co.217-219 North 2nd St.
DetailsLenhardt-McManus Produce Co.909-911 North 4th St.
DetailsHeimos Bros.833 North 3rd St.
DetailsSchroeter Coal Co.2300 Miami St.
DetailsCoast Products Co.1200 Monroe St.