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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsBrookingWilliam6 Yale Ave.
DetailsBroughJack311 North Whittier
DetailsBrownCarlton720 Eastgate
DetailsBrownJames5082 Waterman Ave.
DetailsBrownJohn7209 Waterman Ave.
DetailsBryanFrancis377 North Taylor
DetailsBryanHenry5101 Westminster
DetailsBuettnerJohn7254 Colgate Ave.
DetailsBurtonJohn31 Middlesex
DetailsBurtonRobert6805 Washington
DetailsBurtonWm.17 North Taylor
DetailsBusseEwald4577 Athlone
DetailsCaldwellAlan140 Trevilian [140 Trevillian]
DetailsCaldwellAlan7675 Wise
DetailsCalhounAlan61 Fair Oaks
DetailsCampbellJohn300 Edgewood Dr.
DetailsCampbellRalph5083 Westminster Ave.