581 through 600 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKirkwood Evening Optimist Club
DetailsKirkwood Rotary Club
DetailsKirkwood Lions Club
DetailsHerold des Glaubens (Herald of the Faith)18 South 6th St.
DetailsNieburg Brothers Meat Market102 South Webster Ave. (102 South Kirkwood Road); 203 South Webster Ave.
DetailsHarris Grocery Store223 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsKatherine Tracy Kindergartenwest side of Clay Ave. between Adams Ave. and Jefferson Ave.
DetailsJefferson Avenue SchoolJefferson Ave. and Clay Ave.
DetailsKirkwood High SchoolSouth Kirkwood Road
DetailsThe Kirkwood Home
DetailsRaymond M. Henley Company
DetailsThe Suburban Home
DetailsKirkwood TheatreNorth Clay Ave.
Details907 North Cleveland Ave.
Details410 West Jefferson Ave.
Details138 West Madison Ave.
Details317 West Essex Ave.
Details429 South Van Buren Ave.
Details328 West Jefferson Ave.
Details435 West Madison Ave.