501 through 520 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsMudd's Grove
DetailsRoute 66
DetailsManchester Road
DetailsKirkwood Theatre
DetailsKirkwood Masonic LodgeKirkwood Road and Adams Ave.
DetailsSchwarzenbach Bros.
DetailsBank of Kirkwood
DetailsJurden & McMullen
DetailsWm. Wilson & Son
DetailsD. Prough & Son
DetailsSlinkard Grocery Company
DetailsA. Kessler & Son
DetailsKirkwood Creamery Company
DetailsLenox Hall
DetailsEugene Coyle High School
DetailsSt. Peter's Parish
DetailsAdams Avenue Schoolsouthwest corner of West Adams Ave. and North Clay Ave.
DetailsJefferson Avenue Public Schoolnorthwest corner of West Jefferson Ave. and North Clay Ave.
DetailsGeorge R. Robinson grade school803 Couch Ave.
DetailsWilliam W. Keysor grade school725 North Geyer Road