481 through 500 of 2867 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsJohn S. Gordon & Son816 Olive St.
DetailsJohn Schoen Plumbing Company820 North 11th St.
DetailsJokerst Manufacturing Company911-915 North 6th St.
DetailsJones' Clothing House109 North Broadway, between Chestnut & Pine
DetailsJones' Commerical College307-311 North Broadway
DetailsJones-Pope Produce Company917 North 4th St.
DetailsJos. F. Dickmann Seed Co.1110 & 1112 North 3rd St.
DetailsJos. M. Hayes Woolen Companynorthwest corner of 9th & Locust Sts.
DetailsJoseph A. Duffy & Co.
DetailsJoseph Glaser & Son317 Olive St.
DetailsJoseph P. Murrell's Sons1322 Market St.: 2637-2641 Hickory St.
DetailsJoseph Stauder & Son1326 South Broadway
DetailsJoyce Surveying Company720 Chestnut St.
DetailsKaminer Pants Manufacturing Co.921-929 North 6th St.
DetailsKaminer, Prinz & Co.
DetailsKatharmon Chemical Company101 North Main St.
DetailsKehlor Bros.
DetailsKehlor Mills
DetailsKeister's Ladies' Tailoring College2110-2112 Olive St.
DetailsKemper & Roewe