461 through 480 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
Details524 Bryan Ave.
DetailsKirkwood Sash and Door Company
DetailsPeter Prough feed store217 and 219 North Webster Ave. (Kirkwood Road)
Details131 West Argonne
DetailsRex Valet Shop107 East Argonne
DetailsBooker T. Washington School420 West Adams Ave.
DetailsHill Pharmacysouthwest corner of Kirkwood Road and Monroe Ave.
DetailsErin Benevolent Society
Details9 Hill Drive
Details325 North Woodlawn Ave.
Details404 Gill Ave.
Details11 Mile Housesouthwest corner of Manchest Road and North Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsKirkwood Country Club
DetailsWoodlawn Country Club
DetailsOsage Hills Country Club
DetailsGreenbriar Hills Country Club
DetailsHarper-Bieger Ford agency100 block of North Clay Ave.
DetailsNiel ChevroletKirkwood Road
DetailsSt. Peter's church and school
DetailsHeinzelman's drug storenortheast corner of Clay Ave. and Argonne Dr.