461 through 480 of 2867 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsJewett Typewriters
DetailsJohannes Lime & Cement Co.2436 Kosciusko St.; ; 7006 South Broadway; 4455 Race Course Ave.
DetailsJohansen Brothers921-925 North 11th St.
DetailsJohn C. Buddecke & Son
DetailsJohn Coles & Co.
DetailsJohn E. Hall Commission Co.
DetailsJohn F. Meyer & Sons
DetailsJohn H. Pohlman's Avenue Stables2125-2133 Washington Ave.
DetailsJohn H. Rankin Realty Co.
DetailsJohn Herr Floor Company1203 Olive St.
DetailsJohn Igelstroem & Co.19 South Broadway
DetailsJohn J. Ganahl Lumber Co.bounded by 3rd St., 2nd St., Park Ave., Miller St., Kosciusko St. & Iron Mountain Railroad
DetailsJohn J. Latal Roofing Company1518-1522 North 10th St.
DetailsJohn J. Meier & Co.210 Market St.
DetailsJohn L. Jones & Co.
DetailsJohn Mullally Commission Co.
DetailsJohn P. Meyer & Co.corner 4th & Olive Sts.
DetailsJohn R. Triplett's Insurance Agency118 North 3rd St.
DetailsJohn Ramming Machine Co.corner of Main St. & Clark Ave.
DetailsJohn Rowan Dental Manufacturing Company310-312 North 11th St.