461 through 480 of 1444 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsG. W. Chadbourne & Co.100 North Main St.
DetailsDavid Humphreys & Co.712 North 3rd St.
DetailsNelson & Noelnorthwest corner of 3rd & Pine Sts.
DetailsJohnson & Sawyer
DetailsMayger & Nolte314 North 2nd St.
DetailsPitchfork Land and Cattle Co.
DetailsKingman & Co.200 & 202 South 8th St.
DetailsCommercial Printing Company200 & 202 South 4th St.
DetailsBrinckwirth-Nolker Brewery Co.corner of 18th St. & Cass Ave.
DetailsWhite Sewing Machine Co.14 North 4th St.
DetailsBillingsley & Nanson Commission Co.
DetailsPhoenix Iron Works
DetailsCassidy Bros. & Co.
DetailsA. S. Aloe & Co.300 North 4th St., corner of Olive
DetailsMilburn Manufacturing Co.corner 7th St. & Cass Ave.
DetailsF. O. Sawyer & Co.301 & 303 North 2nd St., corner of Olive
DetailsLinebargers & Co.
DetailsE. Anheuser & Co.
DetailsCrow, Hargadine & Co.corner 8th St. & Washington Ave.
DetailsL. W. Buschman & Sons1101-1103 North Levee