441 through 460 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsSt. Peter's
DetailsSt. Angela's Academy
DetailsLeffingwell and ElliottChestnut St. west of 4th St.
DetailsKirkwood Seminary for Young Ladies
DetailsJohn Pitman School
DetailsHolekamp Lumber Company
Details640 East Monroe Ave.
Details655 Scott Ave.
Details474 and 484 North Taylor Ave.
Details226 East Bodley Ave.
DetailsHenry Hough School
DetailsLinders' Buildingsoutheast corner of Manchester Road and North Woodlawn Ave.
Details11-Mile Housesouthwest corner of Manchester Road and North Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsHarris Grocery
DetailsO.K. HatcheryDougherty Ferry Road; 140 East Madison Ave.; 1313 West Essex Ave.
DetailsCoulter-O.K. Hatchery building113 West Argonne
DetailsHolekamp Lumber Building109 East Argonne
DetailsCoulter Feed Company
DetailsO.K. Hatchery Feed & Garden Store
Details520 Bryan Ave.