4201 through 4220 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsMooreWilliamBlue Ridge Terracenorth side of Buckingham; 7563 Buckingham Drive; 7557 Buckingham Drive
DetailsMoorebankR.AlbertArchPasadena Hills4228 Roland Blvd.
DetailsMoorebankR.AlbertArchPasadena Hills4228 Roland Blvd.
DetailsMorenoT.Maritz and Young, Inc.West Brentmoor24 Brentmoor
DetailsMorfitJamesHelfenstein Park21 South Rock Hill Road
DetailsMoritzRaymond7301 Westmoreland Place
DetailsMoskowitzNathanMaritz & YoungDelmar Blvd. and Vassar Ave.; [7069 Delmar Blvd.]
DetailsMuckermanEdwardNolte & NaumannLake Forest32 Rainier Drive
DetailsMuckermanEdwinNolte & NaumanMoorlandsBoland Drive; [44 Crestwood Drive]
DetailsMuckermanFrankMaritz & YoungSkinker Heights6445 Cecil Ave.
DetailsMuckermannLenaWydown Blvd. and Latonia Terrace; [600 Claytonia Terrace; 2 Ridgemoor Drive]
DetailsMundtHugo4915 West Pine Blvd.
DetailsMunsonJacobBeverly Hills Addition7110 Glenmore Ave.
DetailsMurphyKateMastaschekGertrudenorthwest corner of Keokuk St. and Bamberger Ave.; 3801-3803-3805-3807-3809-3811 Keokuk St.
DetailsMurphyTomMaritz & Young22 Carrswold Drive
DetailsNationDavid400 Polo Drive
DetailsNelsonJ.McKnight VillageDromara Drive
DetailsNelsonLewisO.S.T. ClubOlive Street Terrace Realty Co.6921 Natural Bridge Road
DetailsNevinsB.Blue Ridge Terracesouth side of Byron Place; 7532 Byron Place; 7536 Byron Place; 7542 Byron Place
DetailsNewmanHarry30 Southmoor Drive