421 through 440 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsHenry Hough House217 East Adams Ave.
DetailsSmith-Keysor House206 North Fillmore Ave.
DetailsKyle-Essex-Gamble House428 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsSutherland-Mitchell-Shallcross House217 South Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsEssex-Mudd House705 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsGrissom-Ewing House400 South Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsSwan Cottage305 North Harrison Ave.
DetailsHalsey-Rode House (Club 44)126 East Washington Ave.
DetailsHoyt-Phelps House235 East Jefferson Ave.
DetailsRobyn-Evans-Crosby House309 West Washington Ave.
DetailsSingleton-Hartman House306 North Woodlawn Ave.
DetailsBenjamin F. Wilson Place309 Danworth Court
DetailsGeorge Couch House315 Altus Place
DetailsMarquitz-Garesche House751 North Taylor Ave.
DetailsMackles-McGrath House1441 Dougherty Ferry Road
DetailsKing Ambler House525 East Argonne Drive
DetailsBeckstein House736 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsStewart Farm518 Scottsdale Road
DetailsGeorge Couch Building157 West Argonne Drive
DetailsLuepken's Grocery