4161 through 4180 of 4808 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameAddress
DetailsSt. GemmeGeraldine1300 St. Louis Ave.
DetailsSt. GemmeHarold2920 North 22nd St.
DetailsStaabJohn1115 Hebert St.
DetailsStaegerDonald1845a Rauschenbach St.
DetailsStahlmanRobt.4133a San Francisco
DetailsStallonePhillip2602 Cass Ave.
DetailsStammE.4940a Terry Ave.
DetailsStammGladysCruttwell4940a Terry Ave.
DetailsStanfillHelen1115a Branch St.
DetailsStanickConnie4416 Oakland Ave.
DetailsStanickJoseph1317a Clinton St.
DetailsStaniszewskiLeo3232 Barrett St.
DetailsStantonMarian1531a Bremen Ave.
DetailsStantonRobert3045 Blair Ave.
DetailsStarkArthur3617a Blair
DetailsStarkDorothyLewis831 Clark Ave.
DetailsStarkeyVirginia2343a University St.
DetailsStarksDuane831 Clark